Thursday, September 2, 2010

Arts Lobby: The place to be …

By Sameen Meher

Although the University of Karachi has a wide spread area ,having numerous “attractions”, Arts Lobby remains the most cherished point for every KUrian. Everyone who has visited UoK(or not) is familiar with  the arts lobby. It is a cool and comfortable area that serves as a refuge for panting and gasping students during hot summers. All groups have fun and enjoy a quality time together at the lobby. There are some students who, during their breaks, pass their time reading books and completing notes. Then there are some cases where students alias ‘bunkers’ gather to celebrate their ‘escape from class’.

It is an excellent as well as a very convenient meeting point for couples too. They usually sit beside the wall of the auditorium and spend long , wasteful hours together. It is a relaxing spot even for those having no friends because some characters known as “ lobby k namunay” (namunay is Urdu for sample, don’t get me wrong folks!) provide them entertainment through their talented performances. For details you must visit the place at least once.

Now during Ramadan, in the blistering month of August, when the student’s attendance experiences a huge decline, still then, the arts lobby is found abundant with students. After their tiring routine during the holy month, students love to spend a good time at the lobby and take a long, deep breath of relief in the fresh air to shed off their fatigue. No matter what’s going on throughout the university, lobby has its colors bright and shining all the year round.


  1. The lobby is seriously one of the most popular places..maybe a little more detailing is what the main attractions the reserved benches,stinking fountain,broken water cooler etc etc...

  2. its the only place which i like most in its ambiance

  3. you stole my topic woman :D :p well written ;)

  4. nice sameen ... wese i don't like arts lobby yar its too crowded.

  5. well written sameen:)
